DADDY (2023)
“Matt Orenstein's original score is an absolute highlight and practically a character unto itself.”
-The Independent Critic

Beyond the performances, Matt Orenstein’s score plays a crucial role in shaping the film’s identity. The music doesn’t just accompany the scenes—it actively entrenches itself in them, shifting tones as the narrative moves between satire and suspense. It helps establish the mood that engages the audience, making even small moments feel significant.”
Overly Honest Reviews

BELLE (2023)
“The music is a siren song complimenting the nature around them that feels too ethereal to exist.”
-Morbidly Beautiful

Interview – Wicked Horror

Podcast interview – Horrific Network

Interview – Post Perspective

“Most audiences today are familiar with the story of Beauty and the Beast, whether it’s from the classic Disney films, TV shows, or from the original 1756 novel by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. A new reimagining, in the form of a horror film, was just released by Level 33 Entertainment titled Belle. The musical aspect of this tale has become very significant, so while Belle is not a musical, the darker adaptation also welcomed darker music. The person in charge of the music for Belle was composer Matt Orenstein.”
- No Film School

Interview –

Interview – ProductionHub

”Adding another layer of emotion to the characters in Belle is the highly effective score by composer Matt Orenstein”
-Dread Central

Podcast interview – “Eye on Horror”

Track Exclusive –

“Matt Orenstein’s haunting score adds to the unease”
-Crimson Kimono

“A jaunty, bass-thrumming score by Matt Orenstein gives the proceedings some sense of propulsion […]”
-The Hollywood Reporter

“Great incidental music by Matt Orenstein, incidentally.”
- Chicago Reader

LIONEL O - -MLO (2015)
“There isn’t much Matt isn’t willing to try, and most of the time the results are fantastic.”
- Music Defined

LIONEL O - Mama Said Knock Me Out (2013)
“There are no obvious reference points; the sounds are unique”
Cassette Love

“This is wonderful. The music is fantastic […] all in all this is absolutely something you would be healthier for having heard.”
-Dead Formats

“Orenstein deftly handled the challenge of synchronizing a live performance with a work of fixed visual media, and the score he composed fit the visuals like a second skin. It was easy to forget that the film was written for silence, and existed for years before someone gave it a 21st-century update.”
- The Oberlin Review

LIONEL O - Brontosaurus Breakfast (2007)
“It’s better than a lot of similarly below the radar DIY releases” (*** 1/2)